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contact us

                           contact us      

               Here are a few best practices that you should keep in mind when putting together your next contact us page:

  • Set expectations. What should this form be used for? When can someone expect to hear back and how? All of that should be addressed on your page. Reassure the user that you will contact them back. Highlight your response time, or let them know who they will be hearing from.
  • Avoid unnecessary copy. The purpose of your contact us page is one of the most direct. If the information is not focused on explaining how someone can communicate with you, it shouldn’t be there.
  • Don’t ask for unnecessary information. Keep your form fields as short and to the point as possible. The information you ask should make sense for what will be received. This will not only make the form easier to fill out but make people feel more comfortable
  • Offer more than one way to contact you. Sometimes users want to talk to you on the phone, or live chat, rather than fill out a form. Be sure to give them the option to choose the method they’re most comfortable with.
  • Personalize as much as you can. Use features like smart content and conditional logic to adapt the page to the user’s needs. Do you have a different set of questions for a prospect than you do a user that needs support? Make sure your page displays the right questions and information no matter the persona.
  • Include a video: Keep in mind that your contact us page is a landing page, and one the most powerful ways to increase landing page conversions is to include a video. There is a simple three-step framework that we’ve noticed does the trick — First, explain why the viewer needs the solution; Second, explain what the solution is; And third, explain what happens next if they use the solution (or how the solution works).





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